Innovative SME (2024)
Optare Solutions has been recognized as an Innovative SME in 2024, a certification that reflects our continuous effort to drive innovation in our processes and solutions.
FOEXGA Program (2023)
This entity has benefited from the aid provided by the FOEXGA Program.

The main objective of this aid is to encourage actions for international promotion that generate competitive advantages, boosting SMEs and their products and services, and increasing the number of exporting companies.

A5EdgeInfra – Autonomous 5G Edge Infrastructure (2023)
A5GEdgeInfra focuses on researching technologies and architectures for advanced 5G and 6G networks, improving coverage in remote areas and enabling digitalization in sectors like precision agriculture and remote industry sensorization. This project received a grant of €334,458.60 under the UNICO I+D 5G-6G program.
PERTE STELLANTIS – IDAVEC, Advanced Digital Infrastructure for the VEC (2023)
This project focuses on developing advanced services for the Connected Electric Vehicle (VEC) environment using cutting-edge technologies such as 5G, Edge Computing, and AI. It received a grant of €505,672.00 from Next Generation EU funds.

PERTE RENAULT – Test Environments for Connected Mobility (2023)
This project focuses on the verification and validation of new technologies for Connected Mobility, exploring new test environments and procedures. It received a grant of €245,540.00.

SMART NOC (2021)
The SMART NOC project aims to develop solutions for the intelligent management of network operation centers (NOCs) for communication networks. With a budget of €5.84 million, it is funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation through CDTI.

Drive Edge – Edge Computing for Autonomous Vehicle Mobility (2021)
This project focuses on creating an Edge Computing infrastructure for autonomous vehicle mobility, with a budget of €305,170.50, funded by

SLISE – Security in Network Slicing for Next-Generation Communications (2021)
SLISE focuses on identity management in complex Network Slicing architectures. It received a grant of €488,913 from CDTI.

MEDEVA – Sustainable and Intelligent Intermodal Passenger Transport (2021)
This project aims to integrate MaaS (Mobility as a Service) with electric vehicles and intelligent services. It received a grant of €434,053.25 from CDTI.

Axudas do Igape Programa Plan Foexga 2019-2020

Optare Solutions has participated in an internationalization project through the Foexga program, with the goal of promoting Galician foreign trade and increasing the number of exporting companies.
Operación cofinanciada pola Unión Europea
Programa Operativo FEDER Galicia 2014-2020
Conseguir un tecido empresarial máis competitivo
Unha maneira de facer Europa
Programa Principia (2018)
Persoal cofinanciado pola Xunta de Galicia ao abeiro da resolución da Axencia Galega de Innovación do 17/12/2018 (Programa Principia)
Plan PIB (2014-2020)
Esta empresa participa en el Plan PIB cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, Programa Operativo FEDER 2014-2020.
Desarrollo Regional, Programa Operativo FEDER 2014-2020. OPTARE SOLUTIONS ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es conseguir un tejido empresarial más competitivo y gracias al que ha asistido a las acciones: Misión Comercial Multisectorial a Polonia, Misión Comercial a Rumanía y Misión Comercial a Croacia y Serbia, para fomentar su internacionalización.
Estas acciones se han desarrollado en las fechas: 25-27 septiembre 2017, 15-17 de noviembre y 19-25 de noviembre respectivamente. Para ello, ha contado con el apoyo del Programa Internacional de Promoción de la Cámara de Comercio de España. Una manera de hacer Europa
VEO 5G – Efficient Virtualization of 5G Operators (2017)
VEO 5G focuses on the virtualization of multi-tenancy mobile networks. It received funding from CDTI through FEDER funds.

Sonata – Service Programming and Orchestration for Virtualized Software Networks (2016)

A project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 program, focused on solutions for complex services in 5G networks.
MAGDA – MAchine Generated Data Analytics (2015)
This project aims to develop a Big Data platform prototype for real-time analytics, funded by CDTI under the INNTERCONECTA program.
Proyecto cofinanciado por:

Alchemy (2014)
Alchemy is an R&D project funded by the Ministry of Industry for the development of analysis systems, co-funded by the Government of Spain.
Gobierno España – MineturUE – Manera de Hacer

BATS (2013)
This project, funded by the EU’s 7th Framework Program, aims to lead the ICT and satellite industries with an innovative integrated system.