Optare Solutions continues to grow

The company’s commitment to innovation and growth were two of the aspects highlighted by, Teresa Pedrosa, Delegate of the ‘Consorcio de la Zona Franca de Vigo’ during a visit to the main offices, accompanied by Rosa Eguizabal (Director of Economic Promotion) and Teté Vilar (Head of the Entrepreneurship Area). Both features being key elements to continue with internationalization and growth which has been constant since the company’s founding in 2002. Optare Solutions is also a benchmark company in terms of job creation.
The company closed its last fiscal year, 2017, with a growth of around 50% and a turnover, outside Spain, of 25% of the total. Optare’s strategy of differentiation is that of offering comprehensive advisory services to its clients meeting their technological needs and accompanying them throughout the entire process. 16 years of specialization in the business model of telecom operators presently positions Optare Solutions well above the Galician average in terms of innovation, growth and international expansion. This also consolidates Optare Solutions as a strategic partner for global technology projects.
The commitment to innovation has been reinforced by the recognition,with the 2017 Innovative Enterprise Indicator, in the Galicia Economic and Competitiveness report, published by Ardan last July. Only 6 Companies in Galicia have achieved the top 5 star category in this edition.
In terms of job creation, its growth plan will allow Optare to continue to bet on Galician talent and increase its current staff, of more than 150 professionals, who carry out their work from the offices in Vigo, Madrid, Ourense and Mexico.
Presently OPTARE SOLUTIONS is under a fierce process of international expansion throughout Europe, the Middle East and Latin America, which will no doubt further boost both the company’s growth and the incorporation of Galician talent.

Outstanding participation of Optare Solutions in TDA Europe

Optare Solutions estará presente en el SDP Global Summit 2013