The B2C segment, where ServCos (whether they own networks or not) operate, remains the cornerstone of the telecommunications business, generating the majority of market revenue and driving the entire Telecom ecosystem. However, the market is highly mature and competitive, leading to stagnation in the average revenue per user (ARPU) despite significant investments in technologies like 5G and fiber optics.


Telecom operators have launched numerous applications and services, yet they have not met shareholder expectations. These are some of the challenges facing the telecommunications sector focused on end consumers (B2C):

  • Surviving in a mature and highly competitive market: Price competition is the primary market driver, and to remain competitive, it's essential to find ways to increase ARPU without losing customers while optimizing the cost of provided services. Expanding service offerings through partnerships, adopting light-asset or even no-asset network models, and improving customer experience through digitalization and AI are key strategies.
  • Need for cultural transformation: Telcos must overcome internal cultural barriers to scale new business initiatives and adapt to a more digital business model, both in operations management and customer relationship management. Current technology enables more digital-oriented models, but adoption is often slow as the focus remains on user interaction channels. In many cases, operational processes (OSS) are not aligned with these advancements, hindering or even causing these initiatives to fail.


Optare Solutions has over 20 years of experience in the telecommunications sector. During this time, we have worked with our clients through various transformations, both in terms of technologies and different services and business models. These are some of the value solutions we offer our clients:

  • Catalog-Based Service Order Management: Service orchestration is a key element within operational support systems and process automation. Optare Solutions brings over 20 years of experience in optimizing and designing these processes and implementing solutions from both our partners and proprietary developments based on assets built over the years.
  • Close-loop automation: One of the main objectives of automating operational processes is achieving a fully automated cycle where incidents are diagnosed and resolved automatically across all OSS domains. By combining tools like Catalog-Based Service Order Management with assurance capabilities (both network and service), these objectives can be achieved. Optare Solutions works with clients in redesigning and adapting processes for automation and implementing the necessary tools to achieve this goal.
  • Field Service Management: Efficient management of field service agents and new network deployments can significantly save on service deployment costs and improve quality perceived by the customer, both in wholesale/NetCo and retail/ServCo models. Optare offers some of the best solutions on the market, with extensive experience in their implementation.
  • API-based services: For companies with light-asset models like ServCos, providing third-party services to their customers is key to their business—from network and communication services to complementary services like streaming or emerging trends like security, storage, or electricity. Optimal integration of these services into provisioning processes can make the difference between success and failure in both commercialization, maintenance and quality. Optare Solutions has been working on API-based service integration since 2010, helping clients increase ARPU.
  • Incident resolution time prediction: The quality of service or billing issue handling is a key factor in retaining customers and improving a company’s image and market positioning. Leveraging our specific telecom knowledge and expertise in ML and AI algorithms, we provide tools for predicting resolution times, allowing end consumers to receive accurate time estimates for issue resolution, thereby improving service perception.


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