TadSummit 2015 – Lisbon

As in previous years, Optare Solutions will be attending this year’s TADSummit which will be held in Lisbon on the 17th and 18th of November. This event is designed for Companies and Telecom Operators to share their experiences in the development of joint services.
Most analysts agree that in the coming years, new revenue streams for Telecom Companies will be associated with services that are launched to complement other companies’ services.
Instances of complementary services being built around well known OTTs, such as Netflix, Spotify, Facebook, are often made and referenced in many industry publications and forums. All that said, there is no need to exemplify big money or large corporations, when it comes to making a case around the adoption of complementary services in real-life conditions: In Ireland, for instance, students and parents are allowed to pay for school meals and other services by means of their mobile phones; payment is made monthly on the account of their parent’s phone bill. Benefits are overwhelming: youngsters or children do not need to carry cash or credit cards, parents get to see monthly consumptions and hold control over the expenses, and finally, the Telco operator —which charges a small commission on each transaction—, provides a valuable new service to its subscribers.
At Optare Solutions we are convinced that the way Telco Operators are integrating their services to complement OTT’s is definitely an evolution in the right direction. Furthermore, we are technically prepared to enable these partnerships between Companies and Telco Operators, through the work that is being done at our Network Applications Business Unit.
Interested in knowing what we will be presenting this year? This time we will present an evolution of the IoT-hack Intel awarded us for, this last summer: Our hack is based on a Patient / Physician Communication system, which incorporates audio and video from the browser using WebRTC. Our system sends real-time data from a medical sensor placed on the patient’s body to the physicians premises and systems. We will be explaining the technical challenges associated with implementations of this type and why the operator can play a key role in this rich ecosystem.
On Monday 16th, during the pre-Workshop sessions, we will be accompanied by Truephone, Dialogic and Oracle which will be presenting their very interesting offerings and solutions.
If you want to register or check-in at this Pre-Workshop Sessions, please click Here. We will be glad to see you there !!
If you want to arrange an interview with our consultants or have access to more information, you can contact with us here