4th Annual Enhancing Customer Loyalty & Retention in Telecom Summit

La prediChurn Prediction and Quality of Experience, two of Optare’s innovative solutions, will be presented at the 4th annual Enhancing Customer Loyalty & Retention Summit (presentation Wednesday afternoon, Nov 19th).
Surprising results thanks to new methods within the domains of Data Science and Analytics are eye-openers for operators. Predicting customer behaviour, such as churn forecasts for instance, had been ‘good guesses’ so far and can now be proven to be true (or false) and more importantly, useful conclusions suddenly open a whole new pocket of possibilities in terms of enhancing customer loyalty and retention. The advantages are obvious, not only for the operator but also for end-users who start to feel better taken care of.
What this project consists of, what uncertainties it brings to light and how this new insights serve to optimize your investment in customer loyalty, will be discussed at the conference. Alberto Moraña, Head of Solutions & Integration Business Unit, and Eva Endress, Sales Manager Europe, will be pleased to welcoming you in Barcelona, Princesa Sofia Barcelona Gran Hotel, Plaza Pio XII, 4, on November, 19th-20th (Wed and Thu).
Feel free to get in touch with us beforehand !!

Optare Solutions will be at Oracle CAB Meeting 2018

Expandiendo nuestra presencia en Europa: Eva Endress se une al equipo