Optare Solutions participated in the Conference “Os retos do 5G en Galicia. Casos de Uso”

On Wednesday Optare Solutions, took part in the “Os retos de 5G en Galicia. Casos de Uso” conference, organized by Amtega and Retegal, with the aim of showing the possibilities 5G has to offer, and also explain, by the 3 main operators (Movistar, Vodafone and Orange), the 17 pilots that will be developed in Galicia using 5G technologies.
The marketing director of Optare, Sergio Pereira, participated in the thematic table talking about the possibilities that 5G offers the rural areas in Galicia. During his speech, he spoke of Optare’s experience, since 2015, in the definition and development of 5G standards, as well as the use cases developed in collaboration with the University of Vigo and several European operators, so that the Smart Farming use cases that make use of unmanned vehicles, may thanks to 5G, become a reality.
The event was attended by the three main operators, as well as institutions such as the ‘Observatorio Nacional 5G‘, which also signed its adhesion to the ‘Nodo Galego 5G‘, and Carlos Grau, CEO of the Mobile World Capital Foundation, organizer of the largest telecommunications congress, and other industrial companies such as, tourism, health, banking or automotive sectors.

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