Introducing our 3rd Party Resource Management Solution

These are critical times for the European telecommunications markets as operators are being forced to adapt their approaches which in the past were taken on as legit
On the one hand, strong competition has led to a scenario of reduced or flattened revenues. On the other hand, however, customer demands are increasing and require large investment effort. In this context, investments have to be carefully measured and all of them have to be perfectly justified.
As a result, operators have moved to a scenario where the sharing of resources can bring benefits to all parties:
- the operator who has already invested in new fibre networks sees an opportunity to generate new revenue by allowing the use of its under-occupied network
- the operator who wants to access a new market does so without undertaking the costly investment in new networks
On the other hand, the new OTT players are capturing part of the clients’ income, and operators can enrich their offer by integrating these services.
This scenario also poses new challenges for operators:
- multiple integrations with third parties, which can result in a complex architecture where the operator’s internal systems connect to many external systems, adding unnecessary complexity.
- complex integrations: Each of the integrations has its own APIs, business rules, settlement agreements, etc. different processes and its own complexity. This means that they have to implement these processes in the operator’s internal provisioning systems, adding more dilema.
- Continuous changes: In addition, each of the connections undergo continuous changes, which require monitoring and maintenance.
All this leads to high costs and high time-to-market, as each resource to be added requires lengthy implementation times and also constant maintenance that slows down other changes which may be more necessary for the operator.
our proposal

Optare 3rd party resource management is a platform for the unified management of resources with third parties, which seeks to offer a solution for both the sharing and acquisition of the same, decoupled (isolated) from the core provisioning systems of the operator whose integration is made possible through a layer of standardized services based on the OpenAPI of TMForum.
The solution is based on a modular application,that on its core allows to adding the packages corresponding to the different types of resources and services that need be managed according to the interest of the operator and that go from the management of the acquisition or sharing of different RFS based on accesses FTTH, xDSL, Mobile to resources like numbering (fixed and mobile portability) and services such as VAS based on the integration with Office365, Netflix,…
3rd party Resource Management is a platform offered in SaaS model, integrated with the operator’s internal systems. In this way, the operator is abstracted from the management and maintenance of each integration, being able to dedicate its resources to its own business. Optare undertakes to keep each connection always up to date.
The solution provides APIs following TMForum standards, although custom APIs can be developed for integration with the operator’s internal systems.
Obtain great benefits thanks to Optare’s 3rd Party Resource Management platform:
- seamless integration: APIs based on TM Forum standards and the experience of Optare Solutions ensure clean integration with the operator’s internal systems.
- reduced costs: Reducing complexity and decoupling the management of 3rd party resources related processes from CSP systems. Put your efforts in the business, and not in technical aspects to connect with 3rd parties.
- pay as you need: Modularity to accommodate your business needs, step by step. Include 3rd party resources on demand and pay only for the modules you need.
- reduced time to market: Reduced costs and implementation times with a streamline integration. Add new 3rd party resources in weeks, instead of months.
request more info
Contact us for more details on the 3rd party resource management platform.

Optare patrocina el GDG DevFest Galicia 2018

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